While they had fun with silly spelling mistakes, that wasn’t the end of their portrayal of the Tea Party. They also decided to make them look like they’re poor and racists by including images of the Confederate flag as well as have these zombies come out of mobile homes.
The sad thing is that to anyone who can analyze information and come to a conclusion, this just makes the Left look incredibly dumb. I have a decent idea of how much effort would go into something like this. The developer didn’t knock this out during his lunch break. It took serious effort. Yet during all the time he spent on this, he failed to make an intelligent argument against the Tea Party. Does he offer any insight into why small government is bad? Nope. He goes to the effort of putting Newt Gingrich’s face on a zombie but does he point out the mistakes in the Gingrich platform? No again.
Shouting “Tea Party members are racists!” isn’t an argument and it doesn’t magically become one just because it’s been put in a video game. If it was, I could replace Tea Party members with hippies in a game of mine own. Checkmate!
The game tries to be educational. No, educational is the wrong word. The game tries to prove its stupidity be offering brilliant and proven “facts” like “There’s no such thing as God.” Really? Because saying it proves it. If they wanted to make the point have weight, perhaps they shouldn’t have lead with “You got teabagged!” Just a suggestion.
Apparently the developers are looking to go with the irony card too with the concept. Because pushing for a change from Beltway Establishment and ever increasing government size is very Zombie like.
But I’ll share something with everyone here. I don’t blame the makers of this game for making it. They’re no different than the smut peddlers or Michael Moore with his films. They’re a symptom. These things would not exist if there wasn’t a market. Conservatives need to make this a rally call about more than expecting the debate to be civil. We need to realize that we still have a lot of the public to educate. Many of us are able to look at this game and see that it’s stupid. The problem is that some aren’t so blessed. I suggest we change the discussion about this game from a talk about civility and make it one about educating those who might be drawn to it. So let’s brush up on our Constitution and economics so we can do what we need to do.
On a side note, what’s with the red light on the gun? Is there some thing about zombies being repelled by red light? I’ve seen a zombie movie or two and I’ve never heard that. And shouldn’t the player in the game be thanking the conservatives? They wouldn’t have a gun at all (let alone what appears to be a MAC-10) to shoot the zombies with if the other side had their way.
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